Candle Burning Info

A great candle experience is a collaboration between maker and consumer. We've done our best to create a smooth and safe candle burn for you. Read on to learn about your part in this collaboration!

Best Practices

  • Always burn long enough to achieve a full melt pool. This is most critical during the first burn, to prevent tunneling. A very thin hang-up on the sides is fine and should resolve as the candle burns down.
  • Burn no longer than 4 hours. Too much liquid wax can make a candle dangerous, and will allow the wick to lean. 
  • Make sure that the wick is centered, and always correct the wick if it begins to stray to one side. Candles that are allowed to cool and harden with a very off-center wick should not be burned again.
  • Always keep wick trimmed to between 1/8" and 1/4” for a good burn. If the flame gets too high, extinguish your candle, trim the wick, and relight.
  • Keep away from drafts, pets and children.
  • Do not ever light a candle after using it on a candle warmer.
  • Stop use after wax level reaches 1/2” from bottom of container.
  • Always burn on a level, fire-resistant surface away from curtains, bedding, books, etc.
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended in another room. Keep a close eye on your candle, and intervene if your candle is not performing well.

Feeling unbalanced?⇢

Watch the placement of your wick. If it starts to drift to one side while burning, use a wick dipper or other instrument to re-center the wick.

⇠Got hangups?

Sometimes you may experience a thin "hang-up" of wax on the inside of your candle glass. This is fine! As your candle burns down, the inside of the vessel gets hotter, and this wax will eventually melt down.

Burning hot?⇢

If your flame is wild, or larger than normal, extinguish the candle, trim your wick and relight to finish your burn session. Wicks need to be trimmed before every burn for optimal performance!

Additional Tips

  • I do not recommend using wick dippers to extinguish candles, as they can dislodge carbon buildup on the wick, creating a secondary ignition source. Cupping the far side with your hand and gently blowing the flame out is the best way.
  • If your candle has tunneled, you may be tempted to try the aluminum foil "hack". This works best with a very shallow tunnel only, or else you risk drowning the wick. Sometimes there's no getting around it—you'll have to remove some wax from the sides before using foil to get your candle back on track.
  • I encourage anyone who burns candles to invest in a quality wick trimmer. There is nothing better for getting a clean, horizontal trim on your wicks, especially at the bottom of a vessel!
  • Our beautiful glass vessels can be reused with small votives and tealights, but please don't pour new candles with them. Each time a glass is used, it weakens, increasing the chances of breakage

Candle Accessories

For the best candle experience